Back Again with an Upcoming Show

I have been so occupied with other things that I have not produced many new pieces in the last year. Nonetheless, I have managed to make some time here and there to do new work. Here are a few examples in various states of completion (the photos are my own):

Why is the Dinosaur Transparent? (draft, 2019)

Why is the Dinosaur Transparent? (draft, 2019)

Very High Risk (2019)

Very High Risk (2019)

Seems Like Only Yesterday (That it all Made Sense) (draft, 2020)

Seems Like Only Yesterday (That it all Made Sense) (draft, 2020)

Plus, I have a new solo show arranged at Buunni Coffee in the Bronx for December 2020 and January 2021. Keep an eye out for further information as the date nears.